
The information on this website is for general information purposes only. The information provided does not confer any rights, and we cannot guarantee that it does not contain errors or omissions. Neither Conxillium, our employees nor representatives can accept any liability for loss, damage or costs resulting from the use of this website or our affiliated sites. Neither does Conxillium accept liability for loss of earnings, or for indirect, incidental or consequential damages. We furthermore reserve the right to make changes or corrections to the information on this site without prior notification.


Any information supplied by visitors via the website to Conxillium will be handled with the strictest confidentiality. Unless explicitly stated otherwise Conxillium will not disclose any information to third-parties, except when required to do so by law or by the judicial authorities.

Privacy statement

Conxillium handles privacy and privacy-sensitive information with the utmost care. This statement aims to inform you of how we do this, including how we process your personal details, why we process this information and how long we keep your details for. In doing so we comply with Dutch laws on privacy (Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming). In case of any questions and/or comments please contact us. You can get in touch with Conxillium or one of our five affiliated companies via the contact pages on our websites.

Which information do we process?

The type of contact we have with you determines which information we process. The following information could be collected:

  • Name and contact details;
  • IP-addresses. We process the IP-addresses of visitors to the website.


We process your personal details for operational purposes and so we can improve the products and services we supply. We also use your personal details in customer communications. This may include the following instances:

  • Concluding and executing contractual obligations;
  • Service aims such as queries and mailings;
  • Marketing purposes such as newsletters, analysing website traffic and use of applications.

Legal basis for processing information

We mostly process your personal information with your permission. When you contact us via the website you submit your contact details so that we can get in touch with you. Furthermore, we process your information when it is necessary to do so In order to meet our contractual obligations.
This includes meeting financial obligations. In addition, we have a legitimate interest in processing certain personal details. This is necessary for various procedures and processes within a customer relationship.

Who receives this information?

Most of the personal information we have at our disposal is only accessible to our employees. Although some of our business units are located abroad, personal information is never transferred abroad.

Retention period

Any personal information which we process will only be retained for the length time required for operational purposes. Due to the various applications and tools which we use, the retention period differs for different kinds on information.

Your rights

At all times you have the right to inspect any of your personal data which we have kept. Furthermore, you have the right to correct any of your personal information. You can also object to the processing of your details, revoke your consent to the processing of your details or request that we hand over all your information. Of course, you can also request that all your information is deleted. We will comply with your request within four weeks. Terms and conditions as well as exceptions to these rights can be found on the site of the Dutch data protection authority (www.hulpbijprivacy.nl).

Use of cookies

We use cookies (small text files which can be stored on your device). Cookies allow information to be stored or accessed, so that we can recognise you on a subsequent visit to our site. This allows us to improve our services and the functioning of our website. By using tools, web beacons or comparable technology you can block or remove cookies.

Download privacy statement

Download responsible disclosure